Wednesday, June 3, 2009

First first

I've always enjoyed looking at the blogs of other citizens of the world and encountering their random thoughts. Just yesterday my mother started a blog of her own thanks to the help of her lovely friend, thus I thought it was time for me to get one too.

I've never approached blogging this close so it's all very experimantal, though I think it'll be a joy ride everytime I get to freely type down what I'm thinking of.

I have quite a spontanious mind and I love fishing things right out of the blue (wherever that is), so it will be really interesting to see just what crazy random things I blog about. I also hope to include in here my hippie values and flower power-ness, as well as a bunch of enigmatic pictures I spend well wasted time looking for on google, maybe I'll throw on a bit of my art too.

Right now I'm anticipating a great exploration on this new journey of blogging; I can't wait to see what kind of comments if I ever get any; this might be majestic :D.


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