Hello, I am glad to confess I'm a looser and I waste a huge load'a time looking for things on google when I step into those long periods of "I have no life". Today just outa curiosity I typed something new into "google images" (as I do almost everyday of me life), I can't recall what word it was but I came across a very grotesque but colorful picture, and thus discovered a trippy new atrist, his name is Alex Pardee. The guy, man rather is currently blowing my mind with his violent art! I am so excited, I love it when I can find artwork that gloriously rips my brains out, and this man's work has done just that to me. He's known most for making the album artwork for The Used's love and death cd. This man is uber genius. I'm ever greatful that google exsists, it's sometimes too groovy to be true. Here I go forth to a new obbsession!!!
Horray to this! Here's some of his work: