Tuesday, December 15, 2009
A Shrivelled Prune

Saturday, December 5, 2009
The Fig Tree

My boyfriend also spoke to me about a very very elderly tree called the Sequoia tree, which I'm sure most people have heard lots about, I'm however shamed I never knew of them before :P. These Sequoias grow in California near the Sierra Nevada Mountains, they age 3000 years! They're just about the most giant most beautiful and ancient thing; my boyfriend particularly likes their admirable red color, I think it's stunning too. Such epic trees, they're like the old still ancient dragons of the forest, wise for the thousands of springs and winters they've seen. I bet they gots lovely fairies all around them parading and what not.

Lastly, we spoke of the Fig Tree, which I think was my favourite of the day and of the intensified conversation. I'd stored up a little knowledge of the fig fruit before but I'd never looked at a picture of it's tree. And so I looked at this picture and dropped my jaw, I might have drooled!
What a foxy tree my my! I'd love to see a real one for my self one day even though these pictures are satisfying. But oh man to climb one would be a dream! And so would kissing under one, or right up on one for that matter, ohh t'would be great! I'm in love with the tree's trippy branches and it's darker shade, it's mysterious, enticing, and artful all in one. Better yet it's even fruitful, the fig as a fruit is very trippy as well.
During my admiring I got up and dug up a little article on the importance and goodness of the fig; I'll list some facts that blew my mind bout it:

- people have been eating figs since 5000 BC!
- they were eaten by Greek and Roman athletes to better their performance
- figs provide the same amount of calcium as milk
- the fig tree is the symbol of fertility, abundance and sweetness!
- figs were actually the fruit in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve, not apples!
And I leave you with my favourite fig fact:
- Figs are actually an inverted flower!!!! !! :D
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Pretty Redhead
I've always admired redheads, in fact, I bet I've secretly wanted to be one before. That just simply wouldn't work on me though, red hair would likely look quite silly with my skin tone, too hispanic to look like a legitimate ginger, though I could certainly make my hair a little red someday if I feel like going for it. Anyhow, I find redheads to be natural beauties; often with the palest fairest skin and all creepy blue-eyed, they can scare you and entice you. This is a picture of a woman with red hair taken by William Eggleston, a wonderful photographer who I think can capture light and color in mysterius, pretty ways. I dig his last name lots too. He took this woman's picture without knowing her, spontaniously, he just took her picture and kept walking; I'm in love with it, I have been for a while now, it's delicate and gorgeus and it makes you ponder what this lady's face looks like behind the avalanche of shiny hair. I wonder if she's about to buy some icecream, or perhaps something like a mexican churro since the picture was taken in the Gulf of Mexico. I oughta watch out for Mr. Eggleston and follow around his work, maybe get blown away s'more.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Luckily Falling

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Visisting Stratford Ontario

I kept on walking by buildings with side walls like these alot, there was tons glorious native art like this on many walls. This one ravished my sight for a good chunk of seconds before my friends had to hasten me to get a move on along the town.
We also spend a good chunk of time in this melancholic alley making use of it's space with some pictures.

And then later we just wanted to feel bad-ass, besides, we had an alley all to ourselves! And thus we posed Charlie's Angels-style.
I hid behind a fanciful messy plant for fun.
My face had some really volcanic pimples the whole while.
And now for some homes!
I bet these homes all have incredible attics!

I had such a good time yesterday, It's gonna make the rest of my month.
Cheers! Hope your fall is lovely!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Old Homes

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
A Walk with my Ma to the Library Yesterday
Friday, October 2, 2009
Napoleon Dynamite
I'm one of those people who has seen a ton of weird movies hardly anyone knows, but I'm usually the last to see movies that everyone's seen. So this week, I got down to watch a film very memorable to most people - Napoleon Dynamite. I remember seeing a girl with a "Vote for Pedro" shirt one time in elementary school and I always wondered what the meaning behind it was, haha. After having seen the movie I pondered and pondered why I'd never picked it up before, it's just about the most magestic thing. The movie has some pretty fantastic filmography and it takes off in a slow kind of pace relative to life. It also manages to make weird hillarius, using no nudity or swearing (which is usually hard to do), and it's just wonderful for it. Napoleon had my heart right from the start of the movie to the end, how lovely is he for joining the 'happy hands club'! The uncanny characters are just perfect and the spontanius concepts like the grandma's lama and the ligers couldn't be anymore epic. I am most definately determined to find a liger now! I feel so stupid for not having seen this movie earlier; if you're not aware of memorable films like me and you've never seen this movie, then you've got to do yourself the honors of seeing it sometime, but I doubt there's anyone who hasn't.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Fall is coming!
The autumn will cause some exciting color out my window quite soon! I can't wait. But it saddens me to think about how quickly fall passes by and how it's not able to extend it's turn in the cylce of seasons, at least I see that's the tendancy here in Canada. Pretty soon the lovely colorful leaves will dive onto the ground or get dragged affar by the wind, and the trees will be left naked and vulnerable to a splurging impatient winter. To think the trees can loose that many leaves...

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Black Coffee

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Cottage Mushrooms!